Best way to improve your focus | Boost your focus

This is the era of skills, in this century if something that matters a lot is then it's your work ethics.

Best way to improve your focus

Not only in this decade but in the upcoming decades AI will replace all our jobs and only those people will be able to survive those who have a great work ethic. 

So it is important to keep our eyes on how we can improve our focus and concentration because that's the only way we can make ourselves better and can increase our value in society.

So here I am with something new that will help you in increasing your focus and will boost your concentration span.

What is the perfect meaning of Focus ? 

Focus refers to the quality of giving all your attention to your work for a specific amount of time and avoiding all other activities .

In simple terms focus refers to giving more priority to your work other than anything . 

When you get yourself engaged in your work without getting distracted then you are said to be focused. 

Physiological definition of focus 

Psychologically focus refers to an act of concentrating something that you are interested in or centering of attention on a stimulus subject .

What is the importance of being focused in life ? 

Focus has a great importance in human life. Without being focused we can't even do our single work perfectly .

Focus plays an important role in our work , productivity and on our thinking capability. 

Focus is a key for a successful life and we can't deny the fact that a focused man can achieve anything that he has dreamed of. 

Being focused not only makes you productive but it even lowers your workload and saves your time.

Benefits of being focused in your life 

  1. It increases your efficiency .
  2. It makes you more productive .
  3. It makes you more mentally strong .
  4. It enhances your thinking capability .
  5. It reduces your stress .
  6. It simplifies your work .
  7. It saves you from work load. 
  8. You can invest the rest of the time in order stuff.

Activities to improve attention and concentration

Play puzzles 

Puzzles and mind games are a great way of boosting your brain power and making it more focused. 

Even psychologists suggest playing mind games like puzzles, sudoku, word riddles and chess. 

The above games are the best ways you can modify your mind and can improve your thinking and logical reasoning capabilities.

It will also help you in developing your problem solving skills  .You can try different puzzles . 

How to improve focus and motivation 

So here's the list of ways that can help you to stay focused and motivated on your goals.

Discover yourself 

The best way to find out your mistakes and flaws is to discover yourself. The more you spend time with yourself, the more you will be able to know about your life.

Find out your priorities, find out where you consume most of your time, make a priority list and then start working on it.

Spending time alone can help you in discovering your weakness and strength .

Try to spend some time alone in nature , it will refresh your mood and you can actively focus on work , without any type of disturbance .

Yoga & Meditation

Yoga is one of the best and ancient practices of Indian culture . It is the best remedy for all your problems.

Doesn't matter if you are stressed or depressed yoga is the best way to energise yourself and to boost yourself both physically and mentally.

It helps in improving your brain power , mental strength and it also improves your productivity even yoga keeps you away from diseases . 

Practising yoga for 20-30 mins can give you a long term relief, while if you are a beginner then start with practising 10-15 mins and then increase your time.

Here's the best yoga you can do to develop your focus .Vrikshasana, Tadasana, Natarajasana.

Meditation is one of the best ways to boost your focus and to attain mental peace, with meditation you can bring desired result in your life. Here's a complete guide on mindfulness meditation that will help you in adding mindfulness meditation in your daily life.

Apart from that meditation could be a great way to make yourself mentally strong as meditation helps in improving your focus and concentration and soon you can observe the changes.

So try it out.

Avoid multitasking 

Doing multitasking affects the brain . It lowers your IQ and makes you mentally weak . 

Multitasking also  lowers your focus .  So try to avoid multitasking and do specific work at a specific amount of time . 

In psychology practising multitasking is the most harmful thing for your productivity and efficiency as all your focus gets divided into two things.

Multitasking is another big reason why people can't stay focused and in order to beat multitasking, person has to build mental toughness. Find out the best ways with which you can build mental toughness in your life.

As a result you can't focus perfectly on any one of them, in order to give your 100% you have to utilise your focus on one thing at a one time.

Show strong determination towards your work 

While doing your work you must remember to show strong determination towards your work . 

The best way to get yourself succeed is to show strong determination because being determined in life is the key for a successful life.

So stay determined and work continuously on your goals with full focus, don't let yourself to engaged in stupid things.

Just have one goal and focus on it.

While doing your work you must have a strong mindset that I will not stop doing my work until I finish it .

With this mindset you can surely improve your performance and productivity . 

Determination and dedication are two special key ingredients for a perfect success recipe, if you are lacking dedication in your daily life the this article is for you. Do check out dedication in pursuit of dreams.

Be stubborn 

While doing your work avoid your mental thoughts .

When we do some work , our brains feel very lazy and he tries to divert our mind . And most of the people even get diverted .

The best way to prevent yourself is avoid your mental thoughts , and be stubborn towards your work .

Give more priority to your work 

If you really want to improve your focus then you must avoid unusual activities , which wastes your time .

Follow your work . Give more priority to your work other than anything .

Control your distractions

One of the most important things that everyone lacks is being unable to control distractions .

Distractions are another time consuming activity that leads us in trouble as at the end you have a high workload.

Most of the people can't avoid their distractions and that's why they have low focus  . You must  try to control your distractions .

One of the best ways to stop distracting yourself from your goals is to stay disciplined. Discipline is the key that will help you to stay focused on your goals. Find out the best ways to stay disciplined in life.

Distractions make you weak and lower your efficiency so try to overcome your distractions.

Avoid social media

 When you are taking a break then I would recommend you to avoid social media .

Using social media as a break is a very bad idea. Social media creates a chain that's very addictive and it is very difficult to break it .

 You must try to avoid social media apps like Facebook, Instagram as a break source and try to go outside or have a fresh walk and a cup of coffee .

Have a perfect time table 

Divide your work in different slots in order to avoid laziness ,irritation and workload you must divide your work . In  different and small slots .

This will help you to actively focus on your goals with a refreshed mind. Remember to use a perfect time table and to keep a break slot at different intervals of time .

This will make your brain fresh and will boost your brain power .

How to increase concentration immediately

If you wanna increase your focus and concentration immediately then here are few things that you can with :

1.; Find a quiet place, so that no one can distract you.

2. Stay away from distractions, make everything invisible that distracts you from your goals. 

3. Keep your phone switched off or in flight mode. 

4.You can practise mindful breathing and meditation. It's a good way to get started on your goals. 

5. Create a to do list and set up tasks for yourself, so that you can complete each task according to your to do list.

6. Last but not the least listen to music, remember that music should be soulful and classical that creates a positive impact. 

How to improve concentration and focus while studying

Generally it is observed that students face lack of focus during their studies and when I was a student I used to go through the same problem.

Like after studying for half an hour I start losing my focus and as a result I give up and waste my time on social media. 

So here's how you can boost your concentration and focus as a student:

1.! Create a time table, dedicate time slots for each subject, these slots can be maximum of 45 minutes and after each slot take a break for 15 mins.

2. Stay hydrated, take a water bottle with yourself and drink water at frequent intervals. It will keep your mind hydrated and you can focus on your goals.

3. Stay away from distractions, before going to study remember to keep all your important things on the table so that you don't have to bring things again and again. 

4. Stay away from your smartphone, either keep it switched off or keep it on aeroplane mode.

5. Practice mindfulness meditation, this will help you in boosting your focus and will make your mind more sharp.

With these 5 tips you can effectively focus on your studies and can really improve your concentration.

Also you can watch strategies videos, there are several videos available on YouTube that would surely give you a proper direction to stay effective and productive in your studies.

Bonus tip 

This is one of the methods that can improve your focus .

What you have to do is , set a timer of 30 mins . In these 30 mins you will only focus on your work . No smartphone ,  no break , no important calls, nothing . Just fully focused on your goals .

Practising this method will boost your focus .

Frequently asked questions

How can I improve my 100% focus?

In order to boost your focus at home you can follow few things, first thing is you have to stop procastination, you have overcome your laziness and the next thing that you have to do is set task for yourself, create a to do list and dedicate time to your most prior task. Practice mindfulness meditation. Follow these ways would surely help you in boosting your focus.

Why is my focus so poor?

The reason that your focus is poor because you are overthinking, you are deeply indulged in habits that are lowering your productivity like procastinators, laziness, excessive useage of smartphone and being depressed in life are some reason that are making you less focused.

What is the maximum focus time?

According to studies we can focus for at least 90 mins and no person longer than 90 mins can have focus. Therefore it's suggested to take a break after each 90 mins slot and the break should be maximum of 15 minutes.

How can I focus at home?

In order to focus at home start by setting up goals, define your goals along with time and then start completing each tasks. Also you can practice the Pomodoro technique where you have to work for 25 mins and then take 5 min break and repeat the same time for 2-3 times. Doing this would help you to focus at home.

How long can a person focus?

For approx 90 mins a person can focus.


Being focused in life  is a deal of profit and yes in this decade where focus and work ethics matters the most it's essential to keep your eye on self improvement. 

That's all 

Good day

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